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DECENT project

Decentralized Cross-commodity Energy Management

DECENT final project presentation: Dissemination and communication and closing

In this part, Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique, TU München) presents the various dissemination activities of project, the exploitation strategies of the industry partners, and a roadmap on how DECENT technology could be adopted in the upcoming 20 years. Finally, he closes the meeting taking another resumée on the past two and a half years.

DECENT final project presentation: Market clearing and mechanisms

In the DECENT project, we elaborated two market clearing algorithms. The merit-order algorithm, as the commonly used best-practice standard, powers the DECENT virtual demonstrator. Fortiss, represented by Dr Markus Duchon, shows the blockchain implementation of that market during this session. Besides, Josef Schindler presented gossip algorithm markets as an alternative approach.

DECENT final project presentation: AI based modeling and optimization for consumer flexibility management

In this presentation Jussi Kiljander (VTT) presented the overall approach, called Energy Management Agent and elaborated the results with practical example on a selected case study. This is a presentation from the final presentation of the DECENT project. DECENT stands for DEcentralized Cross-comodity ENergy-sharing in smarT neighborhoods.

DECENT final project presentation: IoT substrate interfacing hardware at the example of a battery

During the project, several IoT communication protocols have been researched, namely OPC UA, MQTT & CoAP. Erkin Kirdan states the findings regarding security, interoperability from the specifications and several open-source libraries. Besides, Josef Schindler embeds OPC UA into a use case and presents a demo.

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